Deep Freeze PS1 Review
Like in hindsight the PlayStation has thousands of video games across its vast catalog that's on offer and in Japan alone there's a ridiculous amount of games that we either seen in magazines that we've seen in previews back in the day but never really got access to them but now with the Internet it's a modern technology we have the ability to not only play these games but we can buy physical copies of them through the likes of eBay and so forth.
Now some of them will demand high prices.
Not all of them can you play through emulation yet so in some cases you still will have to buy a physical copy if you can manage the find it for a reasonable price but if you do they are worth holding on to because they are going to be valuable in the future.But in saying that there are many other games across a variety of different genres that really contribute to the evolution of the console and to help solidify it as being primarily the dominant console of the 90s era and early 2000s.
And you can have anything from the likes of racing games, sports games, RPG games even horror games like especially in Japan there's so many cool games that were developed just for that region alone that we never got to experience over here in the UK, Ireland, Europe and so forth and back then it was a shame that many of these games never got to see the light of day.
But like I said with modern technology at least now we can do that to some degree.
So now is the perfect time to explore a lot of these games so that is my goal even just for here on the channel and even to showcase many of these ideas to you guys to hopefully inspire you or even let you know of some of these games that you may not have even heard of before so that you can go and play them for yourselves because there's many of these games on the system.While some of them are questionable but I still think that the world a go at least or a revisit just to experience the nostalgia and even just to gain a new experience that you possibly may never have witnessed before so for that reason alone it's definitely a good time to go back to play the PlayStation and all its Glory.
So in this video I just want to have a look at another very unique game that is very very rare, not many would have heard of it and for myself personally I only ever witnessed this in a magazine article or preview way back when I was 16, this was back in 1998.
I know I'm showing my age but there you go, but at the same time I was always interested by it, I was always intrigued by it and when I first started this channel it was one of the very few games that I couldn't really remember but I always wanted to dive into it to see if I could figure out what it was and through a lot of research and trying to figure out stuff and especially now with everything that's online we did manage to find this and if this game goes by the name of deep freeze so then it was kind of like a light bulb moment for me.I was kind of like ah I found it finally because I remember going back to that time when I seen it in a magazine and I remember specifically that to the words that were saved with the game saying that's deep freeze and they didn't they didn't really regard it too highly they said it looked cool but they said it was a resident evil clone but it wasn't as well put together as I say.
But it's one of those games in my own personal opinion you have to experience for yourself.
You can make your own assumption or judgment on it once you've played it and I do recommend that you do play it.So deep freeze itself was released in Japan in 1999 for the PlayStation and it's a third person action adventure shooter but what's more noticeable about this is the fact is that it uses elements almost identical to the earlier Resident Evil games essentially this is a resident evil clone but it just doesn't have any survival horror in it.
It's got more of an action focused kind of vibe.
It even puts you in mind of another game that was also released on the PlayStation that I have covered on a previous video known as Hard Edge or T.R.A.G as that is also another clone that takes many elements and concepts from the Resident Evil games with the use of pre-rendered backgrounds fixed cameras and just a very similar play style in terms of the gameplay mechanics and control systems but removes the survival horror elements.
There's no monsters or zombies as such but you do have puzzle solving and you do have other different elements that would definitely relate to those type of games.
But deep freeze is very similar to hard edge in terms of its story and backdrop because like in hard edge, deep freeze also utilizes the elements of a terrorist attack inside of a multi-story skyscraper style building where terrorists invade and take over the whole infrastructure so then it's led to a task force in order to infiltrate and to stop and eliminate or incapacitate the known threat which leads to different types of consequences of determining many outcomes with regard to certain choices or interactions that you make throughout play.
So deep freeze is very like hard edge in that respect it almost has kind of like a die-hard kind of aesthetic when we look back and I mentioned in that other video with the likes of the nakatomi plaza and it's up to John Mc Clane, Bruce Willis's character to stop the impending threat within that building so these games definitely take a lot of influence not just from Resident Evil but also from the die-hard movie franchise as well as again they're so iconic in their own right. So it's easy to see why they tried to adapt all these elements into these games.
But even regardless of what previews of the game would have looked like, upon its release the game did receive favorable reviews in the magazines many stating it to be a fairly decent clone.
Now with the main character of the game that you pick, you can pick and accomplice to walk with you and each accomplice has different traits or abilities in terms of weapons, some can be used as a medic while others can use like more close range quarters combat weapons like with stronger weapons such as shotguns, while others can use machine guns or even knife or physical martial art style combat.
It really depends on your own play style, the thing is the game is kind of tough to get used to because you can use a variety of different weapons but the control system is very different compared to that of your typical Resident Evil style games so you will have to adjust your play style and it will take a little while to adjust to the whole context of the control system in the game.But the cool aspect about it is the fact is that it uses elements from earlier survival horror games with the likes to Resident Evil as fixed cameras great use of lighting and various type of elements while some of the areas in the game can come across as being a bit similar and can kind of throw you off but the general context of the environments the camera angles and where enemies can appear from definitely can provide a challenging experience let's just put it that way because the game does start off relatively easy but it does gradually increase later on especially when you start encountering stronger enemy types and even bosses.
They can definitely deal a lot of damage and the truth is as well as you have to be aware of also your partner's health at the same time because if they're taking out the equation or if they're killed, you're left on your own so which makes the game even harder again and you always have to contend with areas that you re-explore to solve puzzles or to unlock other areas that enemy sometimes can reappear which can also throw you off because sometimes you wouldn't expect it and that's where they can do a severe amount of damage to you.
So while this game was released in 1999 originally it was later added to the super light or super simple 1500 budget line series of games. It was also very popular in Japan which gave the game a more affordable approach to people that couldn't spend big money on games.
So it does have some really unique features especially with the weapon types like you throw grenades, you can use healing items, you have access to shotguns, pistols, machine guns and other types of stronger weapons as well that you can use to dispatch enemies but you also have different objectives where you have to complete various types of puzzles and interact with different characters to acquire items to unlock other areas in the game as well.
So there is a lot of really cool features in this game and while it's not the best of the Resident Evil style clones, the fact is that it's similar to those games and if you do enjoy them it's definitely worth a play through there's definitely a lot of cool elements in this game but in saying that it's like typical PlayStation fashion with these type of experimental elements while it does have some cool features the acting in the game like Resident Evil and other games similar to it, the acting is terrible that's the only thing I would say the acting is just yeah it's laughable in many cases but at the same time it does tell the story which is exactly what you want.So you would have a lot of fun with it, yes it's challenging and especially later on in the game, the enemies get tougher but the puzzles also get tougher as well sometimes the figure out and to solve puzzles it isn't as apparent on your first attempt than you would actually think.
You will have to do a bit of exploring and do a bit of digging to figure out stuff and sometimes stuff is a lot easier but it's just not as apparent when you see it the first time so it will take you a few tries in order to get used to it.
The very fact is as well it does have Japanese dialogue which can be troublesome for some people to try and figure out.
The game does have English speaking dialogue so at least it will make it more approachable for other audiences outside of Japan so that people can understand the context of the story if you can mind the voice acting that is but at least you'll be able to get some idea of the story.
But from having to spend time playing it it is a good solid game, it's a good Resident Evil clone in all respects to it, while it's not the best of these type of games that are out there it's definitely a good worthwhile experience and for me personally I would definitely recommend it because I love these style of games and my own personal opinion anything that's like Resident Evil or the older Resident Evil games, anything with fixed camera perspectives, camera angles pre-rendered backgrounds, I love those style games.
And back in the day when I was a young 16 year old constantly reading my magazines, I couldn't wait to get my hands on stuff like this but again there were certain games like this that had eluded me that I didn't get to play but now I can and say we can as gamers now so the way I see it is why not play it.Now is the opportunity, the opportunities are there we have access to these games now so try them and see what you think for yourself.
Not the best game on the system but it has enough unique and quirky elements that will warrant a few playthroughs and if you're a fan of old school Resident Evil style games, this is another one that you can definitely add to your list for sure to try it definitely has enough unique quirks on it they're well warrant a good few playthroughs in all respects to it.
And I would love to know your thoughts on deep freeze if you have managed to play it yourself or is it one of those games that you've yet to play or did you even know that it even existed or are you interested in playing the game.
I'd love to hear whatever stories you do have of it so be sure to share it in the comments below and be sure to keep watching to see more content on other games similar to Deep Freeze, you can check out the blog where we will be diving into the iconic elements of these classic video games and as always keep those gaming memories alive...
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